设计师寄语: 生活就像设计一样需要渲染和雕琢.
【设计师说】 “总有那么一个地方,里面住有洋溢着温馨笑容的家人,美丽可爱的孩子。那里有你看一眼就会温暖你心灵的颜色。那里每一样家具,每一个小玩意都有你生活过美好的痕迹与气息。你看那精心培育的花正盛放迷的纷芳,还有一条会摇着尾巴蹦蹦跳跳跟你撒娇的狗!”
本案男主人是沉稳的金融精英,女主人是时尚的文学工作者,设计以沉稳和现代时尚的元素以此串联表现手法深化空间,设计师用木质元素搭衬大理石打造空间的背墙,搭配大面积的深色石材地面使空间质感提升,木质与石材环环相扣,为居家挹注稳重与气质,同时晕染休闲静好。在沉稳寂静的色调之中,妆点现代轻奢的生活精致感受。利用木质元素温润沉静的主调让原本灰色系调子的空间变的温润多了一份居家的温度,在餐厅空间利用了透视画面让空间有了延展,又很好的呼应了整个空间的设计主题,本案设计中打造了大量收纳空间,解决现代空间陈设和储物外置带来的零乱的视觉感和空间体验感的问题。 In this case, the male master is a steady financial elite, while the female master is a fashionable literary worker. The design deepens the space with the elements of calm and modern fashion in series. The designer builds the back wall of the space with the wooden elements, matches the large area of dark stone floor to enhance the space texture, links wood and stone, and pours stability and temperament into the home. It's good to be dizzy and leisure. In the quiet tone, make up the delicate feeling of modern luxury life. Making use of the warm and quiet main tone of wood elements to make the original gray tone space become more warm and moist, a home temperature is increased. The perspective picture is used in the dining room space to extend the space, and the design theme of the whole space is well echoed. In this case, a large number of accommodation spaces are created to solve the chaotic visual sense and space body brought about by modern space display and storage outside. Problem of experience
美丽心灵的永恒阳光 接受每个祈祷 回应每个愿望 The eternal sunshine of the beautiful mind. Taking every prayer and responds to every desire.
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